Plug into our local green networking group.
Green Drinks is now meeting in 800 cities worldwide.
Do you support or want to make a difference for endangered species, affordable housing, human rights, global warming, protecting forests, children's welfare, or saving the planet?
Do you support or want to make a difference for endangered species, affordable housing, human rights, global warming, protecting forests, children's welfare, saving the environment, corporate responsibility, women's rights, and green living?
Do you have interest in learning, teaching, networking or debating ecology, alternative energy, zero carbon emissions, recycling, composting, green business or organic foods?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then this is the place for you. Join us.
We are stronger together as a network. Austrian physicist Fritjof Capra, author of The Hidden Connections said; “Life from its beginning more than three billion years ago did not take over the planet by combat, but by networking.” Let's take action, communicate, learn, teach, debate, work together and give examples of how to turn sustainable ideas into actual practice.
What is sustainable? It is anything that is good for seven future generations and does not do harm to the present generation.
Network and share your skills, ideas, and even inventions in order to help people, animals, and the environment.
Whatever we focus our energy, time and money on grows. If you want a better future world, focus on that with your time, energy and money, in a positive way. There is a way through the challenges that humankind has created up to this point.
Any problem is just a huge opportunity in disguise. Share, debate or forward your viewpoints, opinions, and experiences here directly or via your email.
We want to hear what you have to say. We are much stronger together than apart and alone.
Volunteer to be a co-organizer or promoter of this local group. By working together and implementing and/or offering green or sustainable solutions, everyone wins.
You as an individual wins, your family wins, your children win, your great grandchildren win, your local community wins and in the end all of humanity wins. Share what you know... let everyone hear the wonderful news; that green solutions exist and work!
Finally, remember that
"We have not inherited the Earth from our fathers. We are borrowing it from our children."
Eric Straatsma MS MHM, Yuba City, 2010-09-01